miércoles, 15 de diciembre de 2010

1er adorno recibido!/ First Ornament Received!

¡Qué ilusión!!! He recibido el primer adorno navideño del 5º Swap de Adornos Navideños de FreshlyBlended. Es super emocionante! y lo mejor es que se te queda una sonrisa permanente para el resto del día! :)

I've received my first Christmas Ornament for the 5th Annual Holiday Ornament Swap organized by FreshlyBlended. It's so exciting! and the best thing is that you don't lose your smile for the rest of the day! :)

Es una preciosa casita de chocolate hecha en ganchillo que me ha enviado Julia, de Polonia. También me ha enviado un angelito de chocolate, mmmm! :) Es muy bonita!!!! Muchísimas gracias Julia!! Me encanta!!

It's a wonderful crocheted chocolate house sent by Julia, from Poland. She has also sent a chocolate angel, mmmm! :) It's really very nice!!!! Thank you very much Julia!! I love it!!

2 comentarios:

Julia dijo...

I'm happy you enjoyed it :) I received four ornaments today and they are great. I haven't gotten your ornament yet but I had already seen it in the gallery on flickr and they are super cute! It will match the penguin ornament I received from previous swap :)
Happy Hollidays!

enterrement de vie de célibataire dijo...

J'aime beaucoup la petite maison...


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